Début septembre, j'ai reçu "Wikiland" et "581 C volume 2&3", de Thobias Fäldt et Klara Källström, et édité par B-B-B Books, maison d'éditions qu'ils ont eux-mêmes fondés en août dernier.

Wikiland, premier projet en commun entre Thobias et Klara,  est un recueil de photos prises les 24 et 24 février 2011 au moment de l'affaire qui opposait le fondateur de Wikileaks, Julian Assange, à la justice Britannique. Les prises de vues ont été réalisées au tribunal de Belmarsh Court, à Londres, et au Ellingham Hall, dans le Norfolk, demeure qui abritait alors le fondateur de Wikileaks.

L'ensemble est imprimé sur papier journal et plutôt que de s'en contenter, B-B-B Books propose un coffret carton sérigraphié du plus bel effet.

Du coup, le projet gagne clairement en teneur, et la boite permet plus trivialement
de ranger le journal sans l'abimer. 

L'impression, très soignée, est réalisée par le Newspaper Club.


Le second livre, "581 C volume 2&3", est un objet très singulier et plutôt à part de ce qui se fait généralement en auto-édition.

D'abord, il faut noter que l'on a en réalité à faire à un double-livre, qui comporte pourtant les mêmes images. "581 c" propose en effet deux versions d'une même série de photos, le premier editing est celui de Thobias, le second celui de Klara.

Le livre est lui-même inséré dans un carton, qui laisse entrevoir la couverture par un rond découpé dans l'emballage.

Lorsque l'on parcourt le livre pour la première fois, la répétition des photos n'est pas évidente. C'est seulement après avoir parcouru de nouveau le livre que le mécanisme apparait (hormis pour N'Roll qui a aussitôt saisi le truc #world_of_graphiste).

Enfin, pour finir, je vous propose ce mini-entretien réalisé par mail avec KK+TF :

First of all, I would like to know more about the genesis of the project. How did you think about BBB and why ?
The members of B-B-B-Books started working together in 2007 and since then we've continuously been doing all kinds of things together.
We are passionate about book making and we thought that putting all that we'd done so far under a common name wasn't such a bad idea.

Is it important for you to self-publish your own work ?
We do this because we like it a lot.
It's fun and playful to work independently and publish work yourself.
You learn a lot from being a part of the whole process, from following your ideas through the transformation into the physical.

About 58IC : You describe this book like a project with "no defined beginning, nor an end". What was the aim behind this way to edit the book ?

when you read the book for the first time, you do not pay attention to the repetition of the pictures, but after a careful look, you realize that the photographs are printed twice in the book. so, we can split it into two books, with your editing and the Thobias one ?

Why did you chooze to let blank pages ? it's not common in photo's books, is it a personnal choice or a proposition from the graphic designers ? 

You are reading the book exactly like we want you to!
We thought that maybe the editing can say something to us about the projects that we ourselves couldn't see.
And it really starts talking to you because you realize the pictures say something else in the second round compare to the first. It's very much the process of Thobias work.
The white pages appears because the book is printed once on one side.
The book is created in the reciprocity between form and content as a book is more than just a bearer of its contents.
All that we do in these projects, we do together with the designers. The books can not be reduced to being "the photo part" and "the design part".
That's the point of why we are working in this group, to get ideas to go further by linking them from the start.

About Wikiland : What's the purpose of "Wikiland" and how did you work together to make it ?
One could say it is a visual in medias res.

One more time, there is some repetitions with few pictures, can you tell me more about the editing process ? 
The repetition is a part of the way the story is told. As mentioned, the editing is a central part of all kinds of ways to tell stories,
documentary or fictional. This is one way to do it.

What will be your next projects ?
It's a documentary project from the house where the gods live. We're gonna start shooting it in October 2011.

Pour acheter les livres ou voir de meilleures photos : cliquer ici


> B-B-B Books

> Thobias Fäldt

> Klara Källström

> KK + TF

> 1: 2 : 3 Design


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